I've been thinking about these beautiful people a lot lately. It's hard to imagine that they've both been on the other side of heaven for over 10 years now. I still think about them often. I wonder what they would think of the person I've become. I wonder if they would be proud.
Donald and Fannie won't be found in any history book for Donald's long years working at Mars or Fannie's skill at raising four daughters in the tumultuous 60's, 70's and 80's. But we, their family, can't forget them. For the first time in my life, I questioned the exact reason why it is that I am so inspired by them. The world's standards certainly wouldn't place them on the list of the 10 most inspirational people of the 20th Century, but I would. I believe it is because they demonstrated a life well lived. These strong people lived what they believed, every day. Sure they made mistakes, as all people do. But the evidence of their faithfulness is demonstrated in the four courageous daughters they raised and the seventeen grandchildren their daughters raised in turn.
I often find myself striving toward some great feat, a project, or a movement, in the hopes that by doing this I will change the world. I admit, I sometimes look at my life and wonder what I am doing, that I must be wasting the potential within. But then I thought about Donald and Fannie. They never accomplished one "great" task but not a single fiber of my being thinks they missed their potential. In fact, I do think that they were world changers. I am constantly inspired by their faithfulness in the every day. I often wonder how much world missions were affected by the time they spent on their knees and the sacrificial giving they poured out. They loved with everything they had, they gave more than they had to spare, and they lived with integrity throughout their lives. If this is a life to be inspired by, then perhaps my goals have been wrong. Perhaps the goal is not a great feat or movement, perhaps instead the greatest life is the one lived faithfully in the small moments, it is the life that moves with the leading of the Holy Spirit, not the trend of the day.
(baby Rose here)
And that brings me to these beautiful people right here. If I take stock of who I am as an individual, what most people would call my personality, much of it traces to these wonderful people. That efficiency, mind for processes, and love of the outdoors - that was passed down from them. They raised five incredible children, who in turn had thirteen children themselves. In each of us, the grandchildren, you can catch a picture of what Erhard and Nancy look like. We have a thirst for adventure. We have a heart for service. We yearn to change the world. Erhard was and Nancy is one of the strongest people I've ever met. Their lives were not always easy, but they too knew the power of being faithful in the small things, in persevering especially when obstacles came up in their way, in loving with their whole hearts throughout their whole lives. They also taught us that in the game of life there are no "gimme's", but that victory is the sweetest when you've truly earned it.
I could go on and on about the people that have written the legacy that I have the privilege of walking in, but I should stop, for now. Instead, think of the beautiful legacy that you have received from those that came before you. What's your favorite piece? What has that taught you about living your best life?
First, Thank You Rose for honoring my and your Mom's parents. I agree whole heartedly. The value of their faithful and sacrificial lives is of far greater value in our family's life as a whole, than any great accomplishment or social notoriety.