Monday, January 23, 2012

Grace Sufficient

"Tomorrow is going to be chaos, there will be children crying and wetting themselves and they will cry when they see you because you are the first makua (literal "English-speaking", practical "whitey") they have ever seen."  This was the warning I and my co-teacher George (who thankfully is a Lozi) received the day before our first day of school.  Needless to say it was enough to put the fear of God into me.  The day was indeed a form of organized chaos, but there were no tears and no accidents, and though the children were slightly enamored by my ivory skin, they did not run in fear.  And though the following days have been filled with crying children, "accidents", and defiance...there has been another element much stronger than all these...grace.   George and I are an awesome team and work our very hardest not only to teach these children but to show them the love of Christ while we teach, but let's be honest here, we're both rookie teachers and we have two classes of nearly thirty kids every day most of whom do not know English and have never been in a structured environment like this before.  So for the first few days (and even still) I woke up every morning thinking "what have I gotten myself into?!" but each time I was reminded of the verse in 2 Corinthians, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  I was also reminded of something that has been a personal word of encouragement to me, that God will not call me into something He has not also given me grace for.  Each day it has been exciting to see the ways that God graces me and George, He always steps in just when I think we're about to crash and burn! Ha! Moral of the story: Preschool is hard but God is great and thankfully He made children adorable. ;)  Until next time my dear friends, trust in the God of all grace because He supplies grace sufficient to whatever need you have.  And don't loose that childlike quality that sings and dances in the rain and forgets about convention from time to time! :)

Grace and peace!

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