Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome to Mutoya!

First off, thank you to all who prayed for my travel to Zambia this week!  Praise God everything went extremely well even though it had the chance to all fail from the start.  I woke up Saturday morning to a very beautiful sight of snow covered ground, and big clumps of snow falling from the sky.  Winter had come early to bid me farewell!  As sweet as that was, it also tried to wreck my plans of departure as the airport ran out of the correct de-icing fluid because they weren't expecting snow this time of year.  But right before we taxied back to our terminal the weather cleared up enough for us to take of.  I say us because I was joined by a couple from Louisiana who are checking out the project. We then flew for about 16 hours to Johannesburg where we were welcomed by a spectacular display of lightening.  We spent the night in Johannesburg and in the morning we went to the airport where we met my pastor and his wife and we all flew together to Lusaka.  From there we took a bus for 8 hours to Mongu.  Now I'm here, safe and sound and very thankful to be done moving!  Starting tomorrow I'll be working as a teacher's assistant in the Vilage of Hope School.  Thank you all for your support!

May God's grace and peace be with you!