Monday, November 19, 2012

Enough of Enough

One question has seemed to plague my mind since my arrival back from Zambia.  In fact, it is the question that has plagued me for quite a while: Am I enough?  I have no doubt that we have all asked this question in one form or another.  Am I good enough?  Was that kind enough?  Did I do enough?  We complete an assignment and we ask if we tried hard enough.  A relationship fails and we ask if we loved enough.  Someone rejects us and, if we are insecure, we ask if we are good enough.  When I returned to the States I found myself asking if I had done enough while I was gone.  I quickly dismissed this since I knew that I had given my whole heart while away.  But then another was raised, am I doing enough now?  In fact, is who I am good enough?  Do I somehow have to prove my worth by what I do or say or how I love? It is easy for me to dismiss this question with the ingrained truth: of course I don’t have to prove anything.  But still, in the depths of me it nagged, pulling at my heartstrings incessantly.  Do I love people enough?  Do I love God enough?  Am I enough?  Then one night I heard that gentle voice (oh I love that voice!) whispering a variation of the ever popular phrase “enough is enough!”  Instead He said, “Enough of enough.”  Enough asking if I am or ever could be enough.  Enough saying the words not enough or more than enough.  Instead speak the word: complete.  Full.  Scripture says that in Him we have been made complete.  Have you ever noticed that if something is complete there is simultaneously no lack and no space for addition?  It is not more than enough, nor is it not enough; it simply is complete.  In Him I am complete, lacking nothing, full; take your pick; I’ll take any of those any day of the week.  But the awesome part is that I am all of those, every day of the week!  There is rest for me in completion.  It takes the work out of, well, everything.   I pray that you also find rest in the completion/fullness Christ gave you through His work on the cross.  And with that, dear friends, I do believe this post is…well…complete.  ;)

Grace and Peace